A form of government interesting to ponerologists is one they have called pathocracy, in which individuals with personality disorders (especially psychopathy) occupy positions of power and influence. The result is a totalitarian system characterized by a government turned against its own people. A pathocracy may emerge when a society is insufficiently guarded against the typical and inevitable minority of such abnormal pathology, which Łobaczewski asserts is caused by biology or genetics. He argues that in such cases these individuals infiltrate an institution or state, prevailing moral values are perverted into their opposite, and a coded language like Orwell's doublethink circulates into the mainstream, using paralogic and paramoralism in place of genuine logic and morality.
«Αυτό το αναγνωρίζω ως μοναδικό και εξαιρετικό ανάμεσα στα ελαττώματά μου - την συνήθεια, στην οποία εμμένω, να προτιμώ να λέω πρώτα από όλα πράγματα που ξέρω ότι θα δυσαρεστήσουν τους ακροατές μου. Αυτό το γνωρίζω, ωστόσο το διατηρώ σκόπιμα, και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν αγνοώ πόσους εχθρούς δημιουργεί αυτή η συνήθεια μου...» [ ΤΖΙΡΟΛΑΜΟ ΚΑΡΝΤΑΝΟ (1501-1576) ]. Μία υπόσχεση: Τα πάντα για την Ελλάδα! Επίσης, μην ξεχνάτε ποτέ ότι, το ακόλουθο είναι νόμος: ὓβρις → ἂτη → νέμεσις → τίσις
Σάββατο 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2018
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A form of government interesting to ponerologists is one they have called pathocracy, in which individuals with personality disorders (especially psychopathy) occupy positions of power and influence. The result is a totalitarian system characterized by a government turned against its own people. A pathocracy may emerge when a society is insufficiently guarded against the typical and inevitable minority of such abnormal pathology, which Łobaczewski asserts is caused by biology or genetics. He argues that in such cases these individuals infiltrate an institution or state, prevailing moral values are perverted into their opposite, and a coded language like Orwell's doublethink circulates into the mainstream, using paralogic and paramoralism in place of genuine logic and morality.